What’s an NPC?
An NPC gets stuck behind a thumb-high fence. The NPC’s head is jerked ten pixels to the left and the left ear is swollen beyond recognition. What is it all about?
It’s about a character class related to games.
An NPC can also have a family.
What is the meaning of NPC?
NPC stands for Non-Player Character. An NPC is a character in a game whose behaviour is controlled by the game itself. NPCs can be, for example, passers-by or shop keepers.
Characteristics of NPC behaviour include.
- Waiting endlessly for the protagonist
- Limited vocabulary
- Tendency to glitch out sometimes
NPCs can also exist in games other than computer games. For example, Dungeons & Dragons has had NPCs since at least the 1970s.
What does it mean if another person is an NPC?
The term NPC has spread from games to popular culture. It is used as a derogatory or teasing term for someone who is not the protagonist of their life in the grand scheme of things.
For example, the NPC slur might be used in a situation where one party is behaving in a one-sided or repetitive manner.
Remember, it’s not nice to call people names.
It’s not nice to call people names.
It’s not nice to call people names.
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