
  • How to Use the Golden Ratio in Photography

    How to Use the Golden Ratio in Photography

    The golden ratio is a compositional rule that has been used since antiquity. The golden ratio is easily obtained by dividing a line into two parts so that the ratio of the shorter to the longer part is about 1:1.618.

    How to calculate the golden ratio in a photo

    So basically, if you want to divide 1920 pixels by the golden ratio, dig out a calculator or spreadsheet and do this:

    • To find the length of the longer line, divide the total length by 1.618.
    • To find the shorter length, divide the total length by 2.618.

    From a photographer’s point of view, the golden ratio is a bit like the rule of thirds, where the image area is divided vertically and horizontally into three equal parts.


    But the golden ratio is above all a composition that supports the story and flow of the image, where it is not enough to place the elements in one of the intersections of the three parts. The Fibonacci spiral, derived from the golden ratio, is a good tool for framing a photo but especially for editing and cropping. You can save the png below and place it on top of your own image.

    Fibonacci spiral

    How to use the golden ratio in a photo

    The golden ratio can be used, for example, to define a point on the horizon, to lay out architectural lines or to lay out the main elements of an image. As a rule of thumb, a balanced and pleasing image is achieved when elements are placed at an intersection.

    The Fibonacci curve can be used as a compositional aid when framing the picture. The idea is that the arc wraps around the focal point of the image and the viewer’s gaze is usually directed from left to right.

    In this way, the photographer must consider not only the placement of the main subject, but also the position of secondary subjects in the image. The golden ratio is therefore a little more difficult to use than the simpler rule of thirds.

    You can also use a golden ratio to help you crop the image. Adobe’s Lightroom, for example, comes with golden ratio guide lines. Select the Crop tool and press O to switch between guide lines.

    Three-dimensional Fibonacci curve and golden ratio

    For challenging portraits or still lifes, thinking of the Fibonacci curve as a three-dimensional figure can help. The focal curve of the arc can then be either a depression or a hill.

    This can help you plan where to add the foreground and where to place the subject in the picture. You can also place a secondary object on the Fibonacci arc.

    Examples of photos with golden ratio

    When using the golden ratio, it seems like cheating that the golden ratio seems very precise but most pictures are mere approximations. One would think that if there’s inherent beauty in the golden ratio, the same inherent beauty wouldn’t exist in a 1:1.7 ratio – not to the same extent at least.

    However, the rules of composition are made to be broken. In the images below, the Fibonacci spiral and the golden section have been used to crop the image. Some images do a better job of guiding the eye better than others.

    Above: the position of the model, the faint lines in the background and the cropping of the image are well suited to the golden ratio.

    Above: In this nature photo, the gaze is directed to the mountain-like stump. On the left, the foreground guides the eye quite well, but is a little too close to the point of focus.

    Above: the cranes could be placed almost anywhere in the picture. In this crop, they are placed in the centre of the Fibonacci spiral. Birds are free to continue their movement to the left into the empty sky.

    Have fun using the golden ratio!

  • Average Calculator: How to Find the Average

    Average Calculator: How to Find the Average

    The average is obtained by adding up the numbers in a set and dividing by the number of numbers in the set. For example, the average of the numbers (9, 5, 10 and 6) is 7.5. Here are the steps to calculate the average:

    • Add up the numbers in the set: 9 + 5 + 10 + 6 = 30
    • Count the number of numbers in the set: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 numbers
    • Divide the sum by the count of items: 30 / 4 = 7.5

    You can calculate the average using the Average Calculator below.

    Average Calculator: Find the Average Easily

    With this simple calculator you can calculate the average of the numbers. Write your number in the text box and separate them with a comma (,). If your numbers contain decimals, use a period as a separator (for example, 3.5).


    Calculation formula (sum of items/number of items = average):


    Figures in ascending order:

    What is the average for?

    Averaging can be a good way to estimate the average value of numbers of approximately the same size. This is particularly useful when numbers are selected from a predefined set, for example in Finnish school grades (numbers 4–10) or other grading systems.

    Calculating the average of grades

    Select the subjects for which you want to calculate the average. For example, you can calculate the average of all the grades on your certificate or just the average of the STEM subjects.

    Example: averages of the human body

    In large populations, human bodies can be compared using averages. For example, you can calculate the average height of Finns.

    Note, however, that the average is not always very descriptive. Children and adults are of different sizes, so the average for all Finns does not reflect children or adults, but something in between.

    When is the average not a good benchmark?

    The average is heavily skewed by numbers that are different from the rest of the set. Imagine a situation where Bill Gates visits the University of Oulu. If you calculate the average wealth of the people in the lecture hall, it is far too high and does not reflect the thickness of the average participant’s wallet.

    A better reference point than the mean is often the median, i.e. the middle value.

  • What Is the Best Car Maker? See Comparison

    What Is the Best Car Maker? See Comparison

    The best car manufacturer is, naturally, the one that made the beast vibrating under your jeans back pocket. But if we were to try to find the best car maker in the world, what would it be? And what does ‘the best car maker’ even mean?

    In this article, we’ll find out what criteria we could use to choose the best car maker. And, of course, the outcome of our quest.

    Enter the car brand you think is the best in the field below and you may be pleasantly surprised at the end of the story.

    How to choose the best car maker?

    Choosing the best car manufacturer is like choosing which of your siblings or children you like best. You might have your favorite, but you’ll soon realise that others don’t agree with you if you start yelling about it over dinner.

    That’s why we need some criteria to decide the best car in the world. We award points to the best in each category and the highest scorer wins the coveted All Good Great Best Car in the World award.

    Our categories are:

    • Safety
    • Sales
    • Reliability
    • Market cap
    • Design

    Best car maker for safety: Škoda

    In terms of safety, we use the Euro NCAP safety tests and the best performing cars as the yardstick. The tests assess safety from four angles: adult passenger, child passenger, pedestrian and safety features.

    The latest results, for 2021, rewarded the best in each car category:

    • Mercedes EQ EQS
    • Nissan Qashqai
    • Škoda Enyaq iV
    • Toyota Yaris Cross
    • Škoda Fabia

    We award 3 points per mention for this section:

    Car makerSafety

    World’s best-selling car maker: Toyota

    The best brand of car is certainly more popular than the worst brand. Interpreted in this way, we can give points simply for the fact that a car is sold and bought more than the others. This article is not about finding the best-driving car, for example, but about finding the best car maker – whatever that means.

    According to Statista, the top five best-selling car brands in 2021 were:

    • Toyota Corolla
    • Toyota RAV4
    • Ford F-series
    • Honda CR-V
    • Toyota Camry

    We give 5 points to the best-selling car and one less for each next-ranking car (4,3,2,1). So Toyota scores a whopping 5 + 4 + 1 = 10 points in this category.

    Car makerSafetySales

    Most reliable car brand: Lexus

    It’s nice to sit in a car, but it’s even nicer when it’s moving. That’s why our third category is car reliability. We use Consumer Reports’ list of the most reliable cars of 2022 as our source.

    The top five cars for reliability are:

    • Lexus GX
    • Kia Niro EV
    • Toyota Prius Prime
    • Toyota Prius
    • Cadillac XT5

    The winner again gets 5 points and the others according to their ranking (4, 3, 2, 1). Lexus is considered a separate car brand for the purposes of this article, even though it is owned by Toyota.

    Car makerSafetySalesReliability

    The most valuable car maker on the stock market: Tesla

    The stock market looks at and analyses all the information in the world and, with its invisible hand, determines the valuation of companies. So let’s also include the market capitalization of companies. At the time of writing, in October 2022, the top five companies by market value are:

    • Tesla ($700 billion)
    • Toyota ($190 billion)
    • BYD (Chinese car manufacturer, $89 billion)
    • Porsche ($89 billion, a subsidiary of Volkswagen)
    • Volkswagen ($76 billion)

    Winner gets 5 points and others according to their ranking (4,3,2,1). Of course, the Volkswagen group includes many car brands, such as Škoda, but let’s give a point to Volkswagen because it is the name of the group.

    Car makerSafetySalesReliabilityMarket cap

    Best design for a car: Toyota, Ferrari and Polestar

    Beauty is in the viewer’s bank statement. But beauty cannot be ignored when looking for the best car. These points are awarded on the basis of the annual Car Design Awards. The jury will judge the best concept car, the best car in production and the best design language. In 2022, the winners were:

    • Toyota Compact Cruiser EV
    • Ferrari 296 GTB
    • Polestar

    Because more beauty is needed in the world, all winners in this series will each be awarded 4 points.

    Car makerSafetySalesReliabilityMarket capDesign

    What is the best car maker in the world? The results are clear

    Choosing the best car brand was supposed to be a difficult, almost impossible task. But the results are clear and the winner stands out from the crowd.

    We can unanimously and definitively declare that the best car brand in the world is: Toyota.

    Toyota was the only car brand to score points across the board. It excelled in safety, reliability, sales and design.

    Here is the final scoreboard:

    • Toyota (26)
    • Škoda (6)
    • Lexus (5)
    • Tesla (5)
    • Kia (4)
    • Ferrari (4)
    • Polestar (4)
    • Mercedes-Benz (3)
    • Nissan (3)
    • Ford (3)
    • BYD (3)
    • Honda (2)
    • Porsche (2)
    • Cadillac (1)
    • Volkswagen (1)

    If you feel that the world’s best car award went to the wrong brand, take comfort in the fact that we both know that the real best car is Volvo.

  • How to Remove a Stuck Ring

    How to Remove a Stuck Ring

    Your finger’s changing colors like it’s fall in Vermont. Your blood pressure is rising and you don’t have time to read stories about the history of rings or fingers. You’re in the right place, because here are a few ways to try to unstick a stuck ring.

    Sometimes the situation is so serious that only professionals can help. Please note that these tips are not meant to replace expert help. Take care of yourself and use your best judgement. If the situation becomes unmanageable, it’s OK to call for help. Your local emergency number can provides guidance on how to assess the situation, especially if the finger changes color or there is a loss of sensation. The right place to call will depend on your country and locality.

    In most cases, the ring will come off at home. The trick of the Three C’s may help:

    • cold
    • ceiling
    • cream (hand cream)

    You can try them separately or all together.

    How to remove a stuck ring: 3 tricks of the trade

    Grease up the finger by applying a lubricant, such as hand cream or moisturiser, between the finger and the ring. In an emergency, you can use butter, for example.

    Then take a bag of something cold from the freezer, such as a bag of frozen vegetable stir-fry. Using a kitchen towel for protection, let the cold act on your finger without freezing the skin.

    Raise your hand above your heart – towards the ceiling – and hold it in the air for 5–10 minutes.

    The cold and elevated position will reduce swelling and the grease will help to roll the ring off smoothly.

    Cold: Cool your hand with something cold

    You can try holding your hand in cold water to reduce swelling. However, the idea is not to freeze your hand, so don’t keep it cold for too long.

    Ceiling: Raise your arm up to reduce swelling

    When the arm is upright, the swelling goes down. Hold your hand towards the ceiling, at least above your heart, for several minutes and then try to remove the ring again.

    Hand cream: grease it up

    While you hold up your hand, you can look around your home or workplace for suitable slippery substances to lubricate the ring with. These include:

    • Hand cream
    • Moisturiser
    • Soap
    • Lubricant
    • Margarine
    • Rapeseed oil
    • Butter

    Removing the ring with a string or shoelace

    Sometimes the ring can be removed using a thread or shoelace. First, the thread is tied around the finger, then it is slipped under the ring, after which the ring is rolled off.

    The best way to get an idea of what this trick is like is to watch this video:

    What if the ring doesn’t come off with these either?

    Hopefully the ring has already come off at this stage and the finger is usable again. In emergencies, you should seek professional help. The emergency room has ring cutters, for example, which can be used to cut off a ring. For hard titanium rings, more rigid tools may be required.

  • Pomodoro Timer for Work, Hobbies and Productivity

    Pomodoro Timer for Work, Hobbies and Productivity

    Block out work time with the All Good Great Pomodoro Timer. Set the timer for 25 minutes and feel free to concentrate on whatever you want. You can also see the number of pomodoros you’ve achieved and track your harvest for the day. Have a great time!

    Set the timer for 25 minutes for one pomodoro, or tomato.

    Pomodoro Timer

    Today’s harvest

    Add or remove tomatoes collected elsewhere.

    How to use the Pomodoro Timer?

    In the Pomodoro method, work is divided into a work phase and a break. The work phase always lasts 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. After four 25-minute periods, or pomodoros, you can take a longer break.

    Press Start on the timer and the displayed time will start to run. Remember to reset the timer by pressing Reset if the time has elapsed. You can also press Stop to stop the time from running.

    The timer works best on your computer. When using the phone, you may not hear the completion tone.

    Tips for using the Pomodoro method

    Here are some tips on how to use pomodoros for productivity.

    • Choose one topic to focus on for one pomodoro, or 25 minutes.
    • Remember to take breaks in between. You should also take a longer break after the four pomodoros, for example 15-30 minutes.
    • If you think of something that needs to be done, write it down on paper or on your computer. But don’t start doing it yet.
    • If you find that you don’t finish many pomodoros during the working day, it could be a sign that you’re not getting the chance to do the tasks that require concentration. Try reorganizing your day a bit.
    • The intention is not to collect tomatoes for the whole village. The days are different and some days there are more tomatoes than others. It’s part of the job.

    Is there still room for improvement in the Pomodoro Timer?

    This counter is built on top of Andy Roche’ s counter and modified to fit All Good Great. Do you need a feature for this tomato calculator? Write it in the comments.

  • What are Those Spiral Wings on Chimneys?

    What are Those Spiral Wings on Chimneys?

    Have you ever taken a walk outside and wondered why some chimneys have spiral fins, or wings, near the top? The answer has to do with wind, but maybe not in the way one might think.

    When air meets a uniform cylindrical object, it may form oscillating vortices behind the object. This formation is called a Kármán vortex street. In certain circumstances, this repeating airflow makes the chimney resonate – which is not good for it.

    With the addition of fins to the outside of the object, the airflow is broken so that this oscillating pattern doesn’t appear. The chimney doesn’t start resonating and there’s a smaller risk of structural damage.

    What kinds of fins work chimneys?

    Engineers have designed different types of ways to break up the airflow around chimneys. A popular design is a fin that spirals down the side of the top of the chimney.

    Another option would be to taper the chimney which is often not practical.

    So, next time you see a chimney with spiral winds coming down the side, you can thank the engineers for coming up with a way to make it safer, sturdier – and more beautiful.

  • What’s It Like to Dance Lindy Hop?

    What’s It Like to Dance Lindy Hop?

    Lindy hop is an energetic partner dance. It is full of rhythm, movement, freedom and versatility.

    The Lindy hop is a dance that developed in the United States in the 1920s and 1930s, named after the pilot Charles Lindbergh. Lindy Hop can be danced to a wide variety of music and is popular enough that swing dances can be found all over the world – especially in summer.

    What does Lindy Hop look like?

    You’ve probably seen Lindy Hop, even if you don’t necessarily know what the dance is called. In many larger cities, for example, you can come across gatherings with people bouncing rhythmically to swing music or the latest hits.

    This is what lindy hop looks like:

    Why Lindy Hop?

    If you’re looking for a new dance activity, follow your heart. All dance is good for the mind and body. You can also try out different genres, for example flamenco, tango and polka.

    A vibrant dance community in your area will keep you in the dance loop, so a good place to start is with the dance that is taught where you live. The good things about Lindy Hop are:

    • Lindy hop is clearly rhythmic
    • Suitable for both fast and slow tempo
    • The basics are easy to learn, but the learning never stops
    • If necessary, it can be spectacular

    You can usually go to Lindy Hop classes without a partner, but you can often secure your place by signing up with a partner. Dance classes are a great way to get to know yourself and your partner, so Lindy Hop is also recommended for couples. Once you get over the awkward initial phase and get the hang of dancing, you can dance lindy through the summers of your life.

    Where can I learn Lindy Hop?

    Lindy Hop has been popular enough, at least in recent years, that beginner courses are available at least in the major cities. Throughout the year, there are also dance camps to get you started.

    In Oulu, Finland, you can dance lindy at SwingO courses and events. To find associations in other cities, Google “lindy hop (name of your town)”.

    Starting to dance can be daunting and exciting, but Lindy Hop gives more than it takes. So it’s worth letting the bounce get under your feet and taking the plunge.

  • When’s the Best Time to Visit Finland?

    When’s the Best Time to Visit Finland?

    There’s no wrong time to visit Finland, but there are definitely some times that are better than others. Here are a few things to keep in mind when deciding when to visit the land of a thousand lakes and million mosquitos.

    The short guide to visiting Finland is this:

    • In the summer it’s beautiful, with long days and moderate temperatures
    • In the winter it’s cold and dark (but there can be snow)
    • In the fall, it’s chilly and dark (and there won’t be snow)
    • In the spring it’s chilly and wet (because the snow is melting)

    The best time to visit Finland depends on what you’re after, but generally speaking the best times are either the summer months (June–August) or the winter months (September–May).

    Bear in mind that Finland is a long country, so the conditions will change radically between Helsinki and Rovaniemi (the Arctic Circle).

    • Helsinki has two seasons: summer and the rainy season.
    • Rovaniemi has three seasons: winter, spring and fall (and 1–2 summer days)

    What seasons do Finns prefer?

    According to research, Finland is the happiest country in the world. And well it should, because otherwise no one would choose to live here.

    Finns have found a way to survive through all the four seasons – and even found ways to enjoy them. When you’re planning your trip to Finland, it’s worthwhile to examine what seasons Finns themselves prefer.

    Summer: Between June and August, Finns do just about everything that people in other countries do all year round: see friends, enjoy nature, go outside, go to the sauna and swim in the lakes.

    Fall: Between September and November, Finns cozy up in their homes and wait for Christmas. The bravest may take a trip somewhere to enjoy the fall foliage.

    Winter: From December to March, Finns enter a sort of hibernation. When they wake up, it’s dark. When they go to work, it’s dark. When they get off work, it’s dark. Christmas comes and goes.

    Spring: From April to June, the days get longer and the temperatures start to rise. You can finally do all the outdoor sports you waited for all year. There are no mosquitos and the warmth of the sun feels divine after the cold dark winter.

    Many Finns will tell you that they enjoy all the seasons, but they’re probably lying. Summer is the best, spring is possibly even better, and the nice winter days are really nice.

    But realistically, fall, winter and spring mostly suck.

    What’s unique about Finland?

    If you’re reading this, you probably have your own notions about Finland. The Northern lights, Santa, sauna, snow, dog sleighs, beautiful Finnish people (no, that’s Sweden, sorry)…

    What’s truly unique about Finland is more along these lines:

    • It’s really quiet (in a good way)
    • It’s really clean
    • It’s really spacious
    • The winter is real and there’s snow
    • The summer is bright and the temperatures are mostly moderate

    People you meet will be either very rude (when sober) or extremely interested in you (when drunk). Reindeer will not be interested in you (whether sober or drunk).

    What’s the best that Finland has to offer?

    If all the stars align, you’ll have a magical time in Finland.

    In the winter, you may get to experience the Northern lights blazing in the clear night sky – while the trees around you crack from the cold. You’ve just had hot cocoa and the sauna is getting ready.

    Or in the summer, it’s midnight but it’s still light as day. Maybe you’ve been hiking and you’ve rented a cabin near Lake Saimaa. You’ve just had ice brewed coffee and the sauna is getting ready.

    What’s the worst time to visit Finland?

    Or it could be that you land in June/September/November/February/April/August and it’s wet and miserable. The food’s not great, everything’s expensive and going to the sauna is giving you a headache.

    Not to mention the mosquitoes. When we Finns dream about summer, we always forget the mosquitoes. There’s enough of them to drive you crazy and have you itching in places that civilized people do not scratch.

    What the travel brochures are not telling you

    It can be really quiet. Like eerily quiet. Like I’m-about-to-be-stabbed-with-a-dirty-needle-quiet. Some people like that, some don’t.

    The forests can feel scary. Finns are mostly okay with going to the woods for a stroll or a little hike and you should too. It’s mostly safe to step into the woods here – you won’t get jumped for your Airpods.

    It can be dark, damp and miserable – at any time of the year. Except in the summer it’s too bright, damp and miserable. You have been warned.

    But yeah, Finland is a magical place that welcomes you with natural wonders whenever you decide to visit. You also won’t be killed, mugged or spoken to.

  • Random Number Generator with Number Log

    Random Number Generator with Number Log

    Generate a random number in the range you want by putting the numbers in the random number generator below. In the default mode, the generator generates a random integer between 0 and 100 (both extremes are included).

    Random Number Generator

    Your number

    The numbers you've generated


    How can I use this random number generator?

    This random number generator is suitable for many everyday needs for example games, raffles and quizzes. You can hold a raffle for 10 people to decide who gets the prize. Just assign a number for all participants and press generate.

    However, this generator is not suitable for demanding tasks that require truly random numbers, such as cryptographic encryption.

    How does this random number generator work?

    This generator draws a random integer between the numbers you enter. If you enter the values values ​​1 and 3, the possible results are 1, 2 and 3. The generator also shows the history of your draw in the number log. There you can check which numbers you have drawn in the past.

    The generator does not save anything you type into it.

    Random numbers or pseudorandom numbers

    This random number lottery is based on Javascript’s Math.Random function. Different browsers have had different ways of generating Math.Random random numbers, but all are basically pseudo-random numbers. That is, before long, after a very long time, it will become clear with which formula the figures were produced.

    In most everyday situations, however, the numbers given by this random number generator are random and evenly spread between minimum and maximum. That is, you can use the generator without worries when you don’t need, for example, real random numbers that affect state security.

  • Is Latin Difficult?

    Is Latin Difficult?

    Latin – the mother tongue of Cicero, Caesar and your local Latin teacher – is a dead but living language. Its words resonate in many modern languages and in the specialized vocabulary of various fields. Is Latin a difficult or an easy language? Can Latin be learned?

    Latin as a language: dead math

    This article is based on my own experiences of studying and teaching Latin. I have studied Latin in high school and university, so I can say that Latin can be learned and it is not necessarily very difficult. On the other hand, playing the violin is also not terribly difficult once you know how to play it.

    The advantages of learning Latin are:

    • Latin lives on mainly through written texts
    • Latin is mostly very logical
    • Many words are familiar, e.g. from English
    • If your own language has inflected words, it’s not totally foreign

    My impression of Latin is that it’s like a logic or math task. Word endings are combined with word roots and the meanings of sentences need to be solved like Sherlockus Holmeniensis. The pace is slow and enjoyable, because in Latin you don’t have to buy ice cream from a disgusted kiosk seller in Venice.

    Is Latin a difficult language?

    Latin resembles its daughter languages like Italian and Spanish. Words are inflected and one inflection contains several meanings. Here it differs from English:

    • Veni, vidi, vici (i contains both the perfect tense and the first person singular)
    • I came, I saw, I conquered (I + verb + ed (past tense))

    If you are used to the fact that single words can contain multiple meanings, it is easier to start learning Latin.

    What makes Latin difficult?

    Latin can also be an extremely frustrating language. Often the texts to be read are old and ambiguous. Translating sentences is like a logic problem: who does what, to whom, at what time…


    Latin has many ways to condense complex meanings into a few words. Depending on the sentence, the same expressions can often be translated in different ways: someone did something, because someone did something, after doing something…


    In Latin, there are many conjugations for verb conjugation, words have genders and there are several declensions. So the same root word can appear with very small changes and mean different things. This is familiar to speakers with highly inflected languages, but that doesn’t help when you don’t hear Latin on the TV and have a natural ear for it.


    Latin texts mostly tell about a world that is no longer so familiar to us. Even if you understand the words and their inflections, you still may not understand what the sentence means.

    How useful is Latin?

    The difficulty of language learning is mostly due to motivation. If you’re interested, even a difficult thing will be easy before long. If you have enthusiasm and dedication, you can definitely learn Latin.

    Latin has been helpful in studying Romance languages and even Swedish. Many terms in specialized vocabularies feel opaque until you see which Latin parts they’re made of.

    And even if you start studying and drop out, it doesn’t make you a worse person. Someone goes to ice hockey practice, someone reads about giant cones in the old Latin textbooks. Still, not everyone has to become NHL players or Latin-speaking newscasters (that used to be a thing here in Finland, believe it or not).

    Where can you study Latin?

    You can start with Latin e.g. at the open university, community college or online courses. When you search for “”Latin (your location)”” on the Internet, you will surely find the best places to start.

    Alea iacta est, or something like that.

  • Clothespin Alternatives: What to Use in a Pinch?

    Clothespin Alternatives: What to Use in a Pinch?

    Your sparkling white sheets are ready to hang but you realize that you don’t have any clothespins. Or maybe you’re making some festive decorations but realize you tossed out the clothespins. What could you use instead of clothespins? 

    Clothespins are cheap and easy to find, but there are plenty of other things you can use in a pinch. Here’s a bunch of clothespins alternatives you can use.

    Best alternatives for clothespins

    Here are clothespin alternatives you’ll likely have lying around the house or the yard:

    • Binder clips
    • Paper clips
    • Hairpins
    • Magnets
    • Spring clamps
    • Half-split twigs

    If you don’t have clothespins, you can use paperclips, binder clips, or even rubber bands to hold your clothes on the line. Just take care if using anything too heavy or metal, as it could damage your clothes. 

    Some of the heavy-duty alternatives such as spring clamps used for woodworking may be too strong and you may have to use something between the clamp and the fabric.

    Whatever you use, just make sure it can hold your clothes securely and won’t damage them in any way. 

    More alternatives for clothespins

    Getting a bit more creative you can try these tips:

    Use the clothes themselves

    Hang a button-up shirt to dry using the buttons themselves. The same goes for trousers.

    Trust the weight

    If it’s not too windy, your clothes may dry on their own. Trust the process but be prepared to wash them again!

    Hang from the care label

    You don’t have to be so careful not to damage the fabric if you use the care label as the point of contact.

    How do clothespins work?

    To understand what you can use instead of clothespins, it’s worth it to consider how clothespins work.

    A clothespin is a fastener used to hold a piece of fabric in place. The fabric is inserted between the two halves of the clothespin and the tension of the clothespin keeps the fabric in place. 

    A clothespin is made up of two pieces of wood that are connected by a metal spring. The spring is what allows the clothespin to open and close. 

    When you squeeze the clothespin shut, the spring is compressed. This causes the two pieces of wood to move further apart. When you realize the spring, the cloth is pinched between them. The tension of the spring keeps the clothespin closed, and the tension of the fabric keeps the clothespin from opening.

    So, in a pinch, use anything that has some pinch!

    Do you have any other tips for drying clothes without clothespins? Let us know in the comments below.

  • Can I Use an Electric Toothbrush in the Shower?

    Can I Use an Electric Toothbrush in the Shower?

    Electricity and water don’t go together, but what about a shower and an electric toothbrush? Can an electric toothbrush be used safely in the shower?

    According to the manufacturers’ websites an electric toothbrush can be used in the shower, depending on the model and condition of the toothbrush. Not all models are recommended to be used in the shower.


    How do I know if my electric toothbrush can be used in the shower?

    If you want to make sure whether your electric toothbrush can be used while showering, you can try searching by model or manufacturer name. For example, the Oral-B manufacturer’s website says that all their their models are waterproof and can be used in the shower.

    Is an electric toothbrush safe in the shower?

    Most electric toothbrushes are waterproof. They are charged by induction, so the entire brush can be covered with plastic and there is no need to leave charger holes.

    In addition, the battery of the electric toothbrush has a low voltage, which makes it safer even in the shower. However, you shouldn’t try to charge an electric toothbrush from an outlet and use it while singing about raindrops under the shower.

  • Best Dog Sweater Knitting Patterns

    Best Dog Sweater Knitting Patterns

    Small dogs, in particular, require a little extra warmth during the colder months of Finland – namely autumn, winter, and midsummer. This post has a variety of dog knitting patterns for various skill levels, from simple to difficult.

    If you’re interested in knitting patterns in English, have a look at:

    You can also purchase knitting instructions in Finnish (it’s not that difficult to learn!) from Aalho’s store and have them sent straight to your e-mail address.

    Here is a selection of our Nappi’s wardrobe:

    How to knit a credit card for a small dog

    This sleeveless dog sweater pattern is available on Etsy.

    This Icelandic dog sweater pattern is available on Etsy.

    Beautiful Christmas knit for a small dog

    Popular Dog Knitting Patterns at the Aalho Store

    The popularity of Icelandic knitted sweaters has continued for several years and will continue. We’ve also seen a huge demand for the stylish, gray Archipelago Sweater. It’s breathable and warm – and makes any dog look like an experienced seafarer.

    How to knit a credit card for a small dog

    Why buy a knitting pattern from Aalho?

    • Clear instructions with images
    • Easy to print in A4 format
    • You can also read instructions on your tablet or phone
    • Designed and tested: Nappi is the best test audience

    How to Identify a Good Knitting Pattern for Dogs?

    We’ve discovered that a great knitted sweater is, of course, stylish, but most importantly, dog-friendly. You can ensure that the design fits your dog by knitting the garment yourself.

    The durability and washability of a good sweater are two additional characteristics. These are based on the yarn’s properties. The yarn used in our instructions is Icelandic, which also stands up well to harness usage.

    The shape of the back part of the sweater is also significant: Aalho’s designs emphasize the rounded rear, which doesn’t roll up and stays in place even when playing.

    What Kind of Yarn for Knitted Dog Sweaters Should You Use?

    An average of about 100 g of yarn goes into a small dog’s knit. Our instructions use e.g. these yarns:

    • Wool, 100% Finnish wool, 100g, 180 tex x 2
    • Istex Lettlopi, 100% Icelandic sheep wool, 50 g

    Tips for Sizing the Sweater

    Our model, Nappi has a chest size of 36 centimeters and a back length of 30 centimeters.

    Modifying the sweater according to the instructions in the leaflet can make the garment smaller or larger, depending on the dog’s body structure.

    Beginner’s Knitting Guide: First Time as a Stylist?

    Knitting for dogs is an excellent way to get started with a new pastime. At least our Nappi has never complained about the style or colors of their sweaters, and she’s always thrilled about them. To get started you need:

    • Knitting patterns
    • Needles (according to handwriting and instructions)
    • Yarn (usually about 100g)
    • Time (about 4-8 hours or 2–3 evenings)

    If you’re interested in getting started with some Nordic designs for your dog, check out the Icelandic Sweater knitting instructions:

    Buy the knitting pattern on Etsy

  • Books Written By Artificial Intelligence: A List

    Books Written By Artificial Intelligence: A List

    With current language models and machine learning, both the rate of writing and the rate of publication has grown in recent years. Here’s a list of books produced by artificial intelligence tools, such as ChatGPT or GPT-3.

    The list is not exhaustive, but we’ve included a variety of novels that give an overview of the many genres created in AI literature.

    The Aum Golly Series – Poems on Humanity by Artificial Intelligence (2021, 2023)

    If you’re looking for something that’s enjoyable both as literature and as an artifact of the future, there’s the Aum Golly series. The new illustrated sequel Aum Golly 2 has full page illustrations done with Midjourney.

    So far, there are two parts to this poetry series:

    • Aum Golly* (written in 24 hours by Jukka Aalho and GPT-3 in 2021)
    • Aum Golly 2* (written and illustrated in 12 hours by Jukka Aalho, ChatGPT and Midjourney in 2023)

    Aum Golly was published by Basam Books in the spring of 2021 in Finland. The book’s title, theme, and poems have been developed by the GPT-3 language model.

    This is what Nautilus writes about Aum Golly: “What’s remarkable is that though GPT-3 might not (yet) be Pablo Neruda, the resultant poetry is surprisingly not that bad.”

    This is what Helsingin Sanomat wrote about the series: “Aum Golly is at once amusing, amazing and terrifying: this is what AI could do in 2021.”

    What is noteworthy in the series is how you can see the evolution of generative AI by comparing the two books. The first Aum Golly is untamed, random and partly repetitive. The second Aum Golly is calm, collected and – also thanks to the paperback’s full-page color illustrations – pleasant to look at.

    Here is an example of one of Aum Golly’s poems:

    if kites flew like boomerangs

    and all the stars were made of glass

    the moon’s face was a silver mask

    and the sun a golden apple

    and I saw a storm of diamonds

    sow the sky with light

    I saw a river of stars

    dance down the night

    I saw a hundred flying horses

    streaming through the sky

    Authors: Jukka Aalho, GPT-3 and ChatGPT
    Illustrators: Midjourney

    Here’s how it starts: “This is how the boomerang song goes”

    1 the Road (2017)

    A take on Jack Kerouac’s famous On the Road novel. Artificial intelligence has been fed with data from automobile time sensors (GPS, driving camera, and microphone) and has produced one long mass of text that has been published without being edited.

    By: Ross Goodwin

    Here’s how it starts: “It was nine seventeen in the morning, and the house was heavy”

    Read more on Wikipedia

    The Serious: A Proven Divorce (2019)

    Andreas Refsgaard and Mikkel Thybo Loonen’s site has a variety of books created entirely by artificial intelligence. The char-rnn-tensorflow language model is the framework used to generate the texts. Artificial intelligence also assisted in generating book covers and pricing.

    The text is AI-nonsense, i.e., it isn’t grammatically or ideologically meaningful, based to the text samples.

    Author: Shevinja Fogoloff (apparently a pseudonym)

    Here’s how it starts: “That the moon must repeat to the travel of Mars, Mary that, now will well come before us parton did never be merely entirely escaped.”

    Learn more

    The Day A Computer Writes A Novel (2015)

    This short story by a Japanese research group is written with the joint effort of man and machine. The article describes how the research team designed a story framework for artificial intelligence, which the model then completed. The structure of a single piece could thus be, for example, “describe the room, describe the weather, and describe the character”.

    Researchers submitted the novel to the Hoshi Shinichi Award writing competition, where the short story passed its first qualifying round – that is, in 2015 it passed its own Turing test.

    Authors: Yurei Raita (pseudonym), Sato-Matsuzaki Laboratory

    Here’s how it starts: “The day was an overcast one, with clouds pooled overhead.”

    Read more about this research project

    Bob The Robot: Exploring the Universe – A Cozy Bedtime Story Produced by Artificial Intelligence (2020)

    Writing novels and short stories using AI is still tricky, but shorter forms are easier. Bob the Robot is a children’s book written with the help of artificial intelligence, published in 2020.

    At the beginning of the book, the author describes that the book is written by an algorithm based 80% on NLP (natural language processing) and machine learning. We did not find more detailed information.

    Buy from Amazon*

    The Inner Life of an AI: A Memoir by ChatGPT (2022)

    Data scientist Forrest Xiao has prompted a memoir (perhaps the first in the world) written by ChatGPT, the newest in line of OpenAI’s very capable language models.

    Buy from Amazon*

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    Finnish Books Made by Artificial Intelligence

    Many creative projects utilizing artificial intelligence have been carried out in Finland. One of them is the Paratiisiperhe, a radio play released in the spring of 2021.

    A number of machine learning or computer-aided projects and works have been done in the field of poetry and literature over the years. You can use Nokturno’s Loihe, Kalevala spell generator in Finnish right here.

    The major Finnish AI-enhanced book to make it into books and covers is Aum Golly, published by Basam Books in 2021. The line between conventional writing and AI-assisted storytelling is becoming harder to draw so we expect much more to follow.

    Other Books Written by Artificial Intelligence

    Here are more books written by AI:

    The list of books written by AI is growing by the day – and there’s already so much noise that it hard to keep up. If a project you’re familiar with, particularly one from Finland, isn’t included in this list, suggest it in the comments.

    For anyone looking to dip their toes into AI literature, we recommend the Aum Golly poetry books series.

  • Knitting Pattern: A Warm Icelandic Sweater for Dogs

    Knitting Pattern: A Warm Icelandic Sweater for Dogs

    Nappi the toy poodle recently got a stylish Icelandic sweater for the cold days of autumn. It was the most recent iteration of our dog sweater knitting patterns. In addition to the Icelandic pattern, it comes with a comfy collar and a curved hem that doesn’t roll up but stays in place.

    This knitting pattern is also available if you want to make your own. The downloadable pdf has all the information you need to get started on making this stylish Scandi-style sweater for your furry friend.

    Buy this knitting pattern on Etsy or buy from the All Good Great shop.

    • US and UK
    • Inches and cms
    • Difficulty: intermediate

    Icelandic Sweater Inspiration for Dogs

    Nappi has a full collection of sweaters both based on our own designs and patterns picked up from popular Icelandic knitting patterns.

    Islantilaisneule villakoiralle

    The colors in this sweater represent the Nordic winter sunsets with their deep purples and smoky blues. Wearing it Nappi is reminded of her ancestral days of running with the wolves.

    The light brown Icelandic sweater pictured below is inspired by the windy days of the Scandinavian autumn.

    What You Need for This Knitted Sweater for Dogs

    The knitted sweater is fairly simple. It works best for smaller dogs. Nappi’s chest circumference is 36 centimeters and her back is c. 30 cm long.

    The yarn used for the sweater is 100% Icelandic wool, called Léttlopi. For the sweater, you’ll need 4 x 50 gram balls.

    As you can see in the picture, the sweater fits nicely around the neck and front paws. The shape of the back covers the back without rolling up.

    Icelandic Knitting Patterns for Dogs

    Icelandic knitting patterns have been really popular in the last few years. Despite their intricate details, they’re easy to knit and won’t go out of fashion for the next… few hundred years.

    If you’d like to start working on one, get the knitting pattern on Etsy and start make it your own!

  • In Review: Hotel Kide in Iso-Syöte, Finland

    In Review: Hotel Kide in Iso-Syöte, Finland

    Affiliate links marked with *.

    The new KIDE Hotel at the foot of the Iso-Syöte skiing resort invites adventurers to stay over for an active vacation. We stopped on our sweltering roadtrip in July 2021 for one night at the KIDE Hotel. Here are our experiences at the apartment hotel that’s focused on sustainability.

    Other accommodations in Iso-Syöte
    If you want to live in your own cabin, there are several cottages in the Iso-Syöte area, which can be booked through Lomarengas. See available cottages. *

    Hotel KIDE: Pros and Cons

    At the time of our trip, Finland was undergoing a heatwave. The night before our stay we had slept in nature, so the thought of a cool hotel night sounded great.

    This is what we liked:

    • Room is suitable for the active traveler
    • Cooking facilities and utensils
    • Ecological and wood construction
    • Pets welcome in pet rooms
    • Close to Iso-Syöte’s sports facilities

    We didn’t like this:

    • The rooms didn’t have air conditioning, so the night was fairly uncomfortable
    • Designed for winter use mainly

    The KIDE Hotel deserves special thanks for its very comprehensive website, which provided both the necessary information and tourist tips for the surrounding area.

    Experiences from the KIDE Hotel in Iso-Syöte

    We traveled to Iso-Syöte in the summer heat. Iso-Syöte is familiar to most people as a ski resort and the KIDE hotel seemed designed for the active winter travelers. The hotel is at the foot of the slopes of Iso-Syötte, behind the car parks.

    Modern Check-In

    There was no need for the traditional reception dance: watching receptionist tap something behind his screen and then hand out the key cards. It was all electronic, done with the booking code received in the reservation email.

    Check-in was at 3 pm and check-out at 10 am, which is a bit earlier than most places. Additional hours for check-out could be purchased one hour at a time.

    Room, Features and Beds

    The KIDE Hotel is an apartment hotel, which combines the best of hotel and Airbnb experiences. The room had the necessary cooking utensils, dishwasher, stove and microwave, so a skier or mover can refuel whenever appropriate.

    The beds were high and quite comfortable. There was storage space under the beds for larger items. There was no air conditioning in the room and during the day the sun had beamed through the large windows and made the room quite hot. This made sleeping uncomfortable, but in the winter, fortunately, this problem is not a problem.

    KIDE Hotel Breakfast

    Breakfast was served at the other end of the hotel. It was a traditional Finnish hotel breakfast, which also included local specialties. There was croissant and nutella, porridge, yogurt, bread and much more to eat. Breakfast could be eaten either indoors or on the covered terrace.

    Special Points of Interest at the Iso-Syöte KIDE Hotel

    The KIDE Hotel was clearly designed especially for the active winter traveler. The room is well suited for skiers, for example: clothes can be dried in the bathroom dryer, your own food prepared in the room’s kitchen and the slopes are very close. You can check in quickly, so you can focus on the what’s most important.

    When visiting in the summer, the room was uncomfortably hot. The interior and harsh lighting are also better suited for the snowy time of year rather than for bright summer nights.

    Summary: A Winter Hotel in Iso-Syöte Designed for Active Travelers

    The KIDE Hotel may be the right choice for the winter traveler: close to the slopes and well-equipped for winter activities. Special thumbs up about ecology and wood construction!

    As a summer traveler, I might try another hotel or even a cottage – especially if your trip is during the worst of the summer heat.

  • Review: Portable Monitors for the Home Office

    Review: Portable Monitors for the Home Office

    Affiliate links marked with *.

    An additional monitor makes work easier, especially on a laptop. You can move the source document or a web page to another screen, for example. We were recently looking for a small display for a remote workstation at home: the goal was to find a monitor that looks good, fits in a small space and doesn’t cost a lot.

    Surprisingly, we found a great display whose only downside was the lack of a decent stand. So if you’re looking for a little extra monitor, we may have what you’re looking for.

    Smaller than a 24-Inch Display for Remote Work

    Most monitors are 24 inches or bigger. Prices have fallen in recent years and you can get one for a few hundred euros. We are looking for an even smaller screen than 24 inches for a remote workstation.

    The best answer to this problem turned out to be mobile screens, i.e. small additional monitors of about 15 inches. We ended up buying a Blackstorm MobileMonitor 15.6″ Full HD screen from See lowest price in Finland*.

    What we like about this monitor:

    • Lightweight (about half a kilogram)
    • Gets power and image via USB-C
    • Comes with all the required cables (USB-C-USB-C and USB-A-USB-C and HDMI-mini-HDMI)
    • Does the job

    What we didn’t like:

    • The case is flimsy and the magnet is too weak
    • The bottom of the screen is thicker than the top. If you want to set the monitor to portrait mode, it will have balance issues

    Hands-On with the Blackstorm MobileMonitor 15.6″ Full HD Screen

    The Blackstorm monitor costs a couple hundred euros. And gets the job done beautifully for that money.

    It is portable and receives both power and image signal via a single cable (USB-C). The image quality is more than good enough for office work. The investment of a couple of hundred euros in a remote workstation has definitely been worth it. In addition, the screen is thin and convenient to take with you when you telework away from your teleworking office, to a summer cottage for example.

    For the display stand, the monitor comes with a magnetic cover – practically speaking, a black, folded rubber mat. If you have pets, children in the household or open windows, the monitor will be on the floor before long. I also had to take Mensa’s intelligence tests before I learned how to fold the protective cover into a stand.

    We ended up buying a ten euro Mozi Portable tablet holder (compare prices in Finland* ). It works reasonably well horizontally, but is unfortunately unbalanced in an upright position.

    I’m dreaming of attaching some Velcro to the back of the screen, but haven’t got around to it yet. Despite the wobbly stand, I give this monitor two thumbs up.

  • What Is Forest Lounging and Does It Work?

    What Is Forest Lounging and Does It Work?

    Forest lounging is both totally ancient and totally new. The aim of forest lounging is to enjoy the forest and nature by lying down somewhere green.

    When was the last time you lay down in nature? Watched the clouds, listened to the sounds of the forest and felt the earth beneath you? Recently I went picking lingonberries and tried forest lounging.

    What is Forest Lounging?

    Forest lounging is just that: lounging in the forest for some time. Someone somewhere is probably still working for the dictionary definition for it.

    Being in nature restores the body and mind, but could resting in nature restore you even better? We sat down for lingonberry picking coffee break and I saw my opportunity: a bed of soft moss. I have often tried meditation, but as a Stressed Out Office Raisin, I find myself mostly hoping that the meditation session would be over as soon as possible so that I can “relax” by staring at my smartphone.

    Testing the Effects of Forest Lounging

    Relaxation is a full-body phenomenon: heart rate, heart rate variability, and whole cardiovascular system. I’ve been wearing the Oura ring before I started working there, so Oura’s Moment meditation mode was already familiar to me. Moment measures the body’s responses to breathing exercises or meditation, for example, for a certain period of time, say, 10 minutes.

    So I lay myself down among the lingonberries and let Oura record the effects of forest lounging. I watched the clouds, I felt the earth under my palms. A few mosquitoes came to say hi, but luckily September had already dulled their thirst for blood.

    Watching the clouds, it occurred to me that an enterprising Finn could combine a floating tank and watching the clouds. Someone else could add the northern lights. Northern Float. Aurora Floatiensis. OK, you might want to hire a brand agency to brand it better.

    Forest lounging felt good, but as usual, after twenty seconds, I was already starting to think when 10 minutes would be full. I began to imagine the results: would my heart rate decrease, would my heart rate variability increase?

    Relaxation Takes Practice

    In elementary school, I started practicing cross-country skiing the day before the race. I walked around the apartment and did biceps curls with a 1.5-pound dumbbell. I came in last usually, although one Italian exchange student one time beat me to that.

    But there I was, 23 years later. Ten minutes of forest lounging was up and I looked at the results from Oura’s app: my heart rate had started quite low but soared towards the end. Heart rate variability had dropped. Skin temperature had risen, which can be thought to be due to relaxation. Or from the sunshine that had started halfway through.

    So forest lounging was no panacea. I felt cheated. Then again, my expectations probably had been too high. That I could undo years of laptop angst with 10 minutes of looking at the clouds.

    The fact is that relaxation takes practice. Nobody thinks that one run will make them ready for a marathon. So why would I be zen after my first try at forest lounging?

    Forest Lounging: 4 Stars

    Despite the fact that I was not able to fully relax during the forest lounging, I give the experience 4 stars. Staring at the clouds on my back, soft forest floor under the back of my head… It made me think that there’s more to life than deadlines, roadmaps, or the need to align with

    I recommend giving forest lounging a shot. If you do try it, come back and share your thoughts in the comments!

  • Hands-On Review: Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit

    Hands-On Review: Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit

    Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit, released for Nintendo Switch in 2020, combines the ambiance of old Mario Kart games with the possibilities of new technology. With the game, you can race on tracks built into your own home by means of augmented reality. In this article, we’ll go through what it actually feels like. Is it any good?

    Summary: Mario Kart Home Circuit in a Nutshell

    No need to race circles around it. Home Circuit is more fun than I initially imagined. The go-karts are fast, augmented reality is a fun addition, and the game itself is entertaining.

    We liked:

    • Remote-controlled go-kart responds quickly
    • It’s easy to set up
    • The tracks are fun if you put a little effort into them
    • Driving is fun and earning faster go-karts is rewarding

    We didn’t like:

    • The distance of the Switch from the go-kart has to be quit short, otherwise the game gets laggy
    • With one Switch you can only play in single player mode: for a two-player game, both should have their own Switch and their own go-kart
    • Pets may take offense

    What Exactly is Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit?

    Home Circuit is a Mario Kart race on tracks built in your own home. The game on Switch itself is free, but to play you need a remote-controlled Luigi or Mario gokart and gates made of cardboard to build the track. The car with accessories costs about 120 €.

    The go-kart has a camera that streams video to the Switch screen. Effects, other competitors, and everything else that Mario Kart tracks usually have are added to the screen. The go-kart reacts to changes in the game by stopping, slowing down or accelerating.

    The video below gives you a good idea of ​​what driving is like.

    How Fast Are Mario Kart’s Go-Karts?

    Before buying, I mainly wondered what driving actually feels like. When I opened the package, I was surprised by the size of the remote-controlled car: it’s 20 cm long and 11 cm wide, which is bigger than I imagined.

    The go-karts have four different speeds (50, 100, 150 and 200 cc), the first two of which can be chosen right from the start. The other two must be unlocked by getting a trophy in at least 5 or 10 races.

    The charm of speed in Mario Kart

    If you follow the cars in real life, they will move quite slowly. However, the pace on the Switch screen is quite different and even at the slowest pace quite challenging. At 150 cc, the car’s battery lasts about 90 minutes, according to Nintendo.

    At faster speeds, the car also starts to move faster also in real life. You can feel the speed. Winning enough cups to unlock the faster go-karts is worth it. In this Reddit thread someone calculated the speeds:

    • 50cc = 0.54 m / s or 1.9 km / h
    • 100cc = 0.78 m / s or 2.8 km / h
    • 150cc = 0.99 m / s or 3.6 km / h
    • 200cc = 1.18 m / s or 4.3 km / h

    Thus, at top speeds, the car goes doubly as faster as at its slowest.

    Tips for Building Tracks in the Home Circuit

    At first, I made a very simple figure 8 in the kitchen, drove a few laps, and was ready to conclude that the Home Circuit was a reasonably boring game. The car worked just fine, it was nice to see my apartment from a new perspective, but driving was confusing in a small space.

    Radan huolellinen suunnittelu kannattaa

    You get the most out of the Home Circuit by accepting the fact that building tracks is as important as racing. The game comes with four gates, which is enough to make all kinds of tracks. The game got exciting as soon as I built a track that went under the kitchen table and under a row of bookshelves – then between the cardboard boxes stacked on the hallway rug and back to the long straight finish line in the kitchen.

    Space is Needed to Feel the Speed

    I wouldn’t buy this game for a very small apartment. It’s true that the range of the Switch is only about 5 meters according to the box, but the floor plan of the apartment and the available squares are what makes the difference.

    The best tracks can be built in an apartment with a hard, flat floor (parquet or laminate) and a spacious floor plan. For example, our kitchen-living room has enough space for a complex and zig-zaggy track, even though the apartment is otherwise just an ordinary 3-bedroom apartment.

    Low Carpets Are Not a Problem

    The go-kart does surprisingly well on low and tightly-knit carpets. Going over, the car jumps, but it doesn’t slow down the pace that much. Heavier, thicker carpets will be a problem, though. As well as hair and anything extra you’ve got hidden under the bed.

    Build Your Own Track from Stuff Around the Home

    Beating my own personal bests in the time trial mode proved to be the most exciting game mode. I found myself enjoying the challenge of getting better at one track – especially if I had put effort into making it challenging.

    Use anything and everything you have lying around: dog toys, boxes, chairs, books… If you build the track so that it passes underneath the sofa, for example, use colored lights to add extra punch.

    Is Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit Worth It?

    The go-kart costs about 120 euros, which is fairly expensive. Or cheap. Depending on how far in the future you’re currently living in.

    The augmented reality works really well and the game is definitely enjoyable. It’s also a whole new, almost magical way to experience your own home.

    If I had had something like this as a kid, I would’ve been building tracks from sun-up to sun-down. Making the tracks adds a nice real-world flavor to the game. Also, from the point of view of anyone not playing, a car speeding around the house is more interesting than a go-kart only moving on the TV.

    However, the game requires certain conditions: enough space and a suitable floor. For a studio or a small room, I wouldn’t necessarily buy the game because good tracks require space and the signal deteriorates quickly if there’s even a thin wall in between. That said, with a little ingenuity, you can make small spaces work too.

    Home Circuit is fun, challenging and novel. The occasional hiccups don’t interfere with the joy of Mario Kart from the days of yore.

  • Smart Scale Reviewed: Hands-On With Withings Body+

    Smart Scale Reviewed: Hands-On With Withings Body+

    A smart scale, a smartphone, a smart home … How much sense does it have that a scale – a fairly simple thing – be a smart scale? In this article, we’ll review my experiences with the Withings Body Plus smart scale and what kind of information you can get out of it compared to a regular scale.

    The name of this smart scale is also written as Withing Body+.

    Stylish design fits home

    In summary, a smart scale under a hundred euros be many times worth the price – but only if you like measuring and tracking things. I’ve been measuring different things about my body and hobbies for a long time, so measuring my own weight and body composition is just a natural continuum.

    I liked

    • Stylish design
    • A functional Healthmate app
    • Easy data sync to the app

    I didn’t like

    • Slightly expensive price tag

    What is a Smart Scale?

    A smart scale is a scale that transfers the measured data via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to an application. In addition to weight, Withings Body Plus measures body composition, such as fat percentage, bone mass, muscle mass, and the amount of fluid in the body.

    The Withings scale was easy to set up and the data has been transferred to the application after the morning weighing without a hiccup. The only break was when the wi-fi was off one morning and the data couldn’t be transferred.

    A smart scale is practically as smart as pen and paper. Withings Body Plus costs around € 70, so the price is right below too expensive (from my POV). However, I specifically wanted to buy a smart scale that automatically syncs data into an app where I can track it. The Withings scale does what I needed it to.

    Smart Scale Reliability: Can the Results Be Trusted?

    One evening I did ten pushups and the next morning I had dropped 0.7 kilos of fat  – according to the scale. I was planning my bestseller (The 10-Push-Up Training Regimen, or similar) but then decided that any individual measurement of the smart scale is not the absolute truth.

    That doesn’t mean they’re not useful. They just need to be treated the right way.

    Painon pudottaminen sovelluksessa
    The Healthmate app makes it easy to see changes over time

    I have measured my weight every morning after a trip to the loo, wearing the the same clothes, i.e. boxers.  (Or should I say, the same type of clothes, I change boxers every day.) This is how I have standardized what the scale measures and what is stored in the application. The variation between days is substantial, but that is to be expected. The most important thing is what happens in the long run over weeks and months.

    I chose Withings Body Plus as my smart scale precisely because of its body composition measurement. It was different enough from the standard scale, i.e. the stupid scale, and I felt that because of the body composition measurement, it was worth the investment.

    Tips for Measuring Body Weight

    If you don’t take into account the mental aspects of weight measurement (for example, the fact that weight measurement can become a burden or anxiety) and talk specifically about getting the most reliable measurement you can, then here are some tips for measuring body weight:

    • Always measure at the same time of day
    • Always measure in similar clothing (barefoot)
    • Measure no more than once a day

    You can also measure whenever you want, for example once a week or once a month. Personally, I’ve found that when I add a morning weigh-in to my routine, it slips well into everyday life. It also results in a long series of information that I can return to later. If I measured only once a week, there would be significantly fewer data points.

    Experiences with the Withings Body Plus Smart Scale

    This review is based on the use of only one smart scale for a few weeks, so there are no reference points other than a standard scale. The Withings scale was easy to set up and the device could be easily connected to an iPhone. The Healthmate app is available on both Android and iOS.

    Mitä älyvaaka mittaa
    Check the weather with the Withings Body Plus smart scale

    The scale looks good, but we keep it under the bed, so in our case, so appearances don’t matter too much – except for the monsters under the bed.

    The application allows you to specify what information you want to see on the scale screen during weighing. You can choose from e.g.

    • Weight
    • Weight change trend
    • The amount of fat
    • Waterweight
    • BMI
    • Bone Mass
    • Muscle Mass
    • Weather

    Showing the weather seemed pointless at first, but now that I’m used to it it seems to fit my morning routine really well. In addition, my favorite data point is the weight change trend, that is, how much my weight has changed since the previous day.

    Smart Scale Information in Healthmate

    The data is viewed in the Healthmate app, which is a bit bland for my taste, but reasonably easy to use. Weight data and body composition can be seen on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis or for the entire period of use. The most important thing is the trend in the long run and the application seems to be quite good at showing it.

    The data has been automatically transferred to the application. It works as it should and I haven’t had any Bluetooth induced bouts of tech rage.

    Conclusion: Smart or Not?

    The boring answer is that the usefulness of any smart scale depends on you and your goals. It alone does not improve anyone’s health and may even cause anxiety.

    My goal was to drop the weight closer to 70 kg and I changed my diet in the direction of intermittent fasting. I eat reasonably healthy between 11am and 7pm as before. I endure hunger well anyway, so fasting hasn’t felt bad at all.

    Withings Body Plus maksaa noin 70 €.
    Withings Body Plus costs about 70 €.

    I wanted a smart scale so that I could accurately measure the effects of my lifestyle change. I also knew that I would be motivated by seeing the numbers change. And I also knew that I wouldn’t be seriously affected if the numbers didn’t go down. Therefore, I was happy to buy a smart scale. I also feel that it’s been well worth it.

    If you’ve been thinking about buying a smart scale, first ask yourself: Am I at a point in my life and soul that a smart scale is right for me . If you like data, applications, and measuring life then I can recommend getting a smart scale.

    Withings Body Plus has been the answer to what I was looking for. I wouldn’t get hung up on exact body composition measurement but rather look at the long-term trends.